Friday, April 10, 2009

Does My Bum Make My Bum Look Fat?
These photos are the worst conformation shots ever. They are taken downward so it makes Trooper look short and squat. Trooper isn't clipped, he wearing an old fabric halter that I use when bathing him, and T. has decided to roll so he covered in white, wet sand. Although not perfect, this photo is useful to examine the hip area. To me the hip looks muscular and along the top line there a bit of a bump where the point of his hip joins with the loin. It this good or bad?...maybe ok? To me the loin looks connected and muscular are there any opinions? At the bottom of his shoulder and chest area it looks well muscled. Along the bottom line there's a slight bulg in the middle. I think this will tighten up and smooth out the more I work his back and body muscles...any opinions?


  1. I will be back to hear ANY tips on working on getting rid of a hay belly (okay, besides more work... I'm getting there!).

    I'm not good at specifics, but I'm pretty decent at looking at the package and knowing if it's good/bad/ugly what not. I can never put my finger on what I don't like until someone else points it out... but...

    I think he looks pretty good. Nice length of back for his height, his bum is nice... I like a nice bum. Don't most have somewhat of a bump where the hip joins the loin? His tummy will tighten with work...speaking of which Gator needs that same work desperately... hmmm... me too. :p

  2. When I look at T.'s hip angle I think it looks OK. Do you think I need more muscle on the loin.

  3. You, or Trooper:)

    He's gorgeous, ya know.

    Both of you.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you... GL what do you think about his hip angle, his top line, and his bottom line. My bottom line sucks but do you think T. needs more muscle on his croup and loins?

  5. I can't tell... with certaintiy from that pic anyways but I think he looks pretty good through the loin.

  6. I think he needs to come to my house so I can see up close.

  7. NCC,
    T. would love to go to your house. Just as long as you are prepared to hand out endless hours of attention. A pouty Shire is not a happy Shire.

    I wish you were closer I need someone to ride and groom my horse.

    Any time you want to post pic of your FC please do. I want to do a post on them.

  8. AB,
    To me the loin looks smooth, but I don't know if I need a bit more muscle.

  9. I'd say if you work the little bit of the rest of the belly off, you'll have that little bit more muscle in the loin/back thatyou think is missing. JMHO. I think he's quite handsome.

  10. He's a good looking beastie, BHM. With work, everything tightens up:)

    Loved the title!!

    Agreed, with NCC. Just pop him in the trailer, and bring him over to my house, so I can see better:)

  11. Hi bhm, I know jack about horses, but he is gorgeous.

  12. Hellkell,
    Nice to see you and I'm glad you could make it. I'm really hoping that Luis/Anon. doesn't show up. Can you imagine! "You call that a fetlock! Show me one study that proves that that is a good fetlock!" Ha! I'll get my lasso out, so maybe if I rope and brand Luis he'll go away.

  13. bhm:

    Buck has that same angle and he doesn't have a hay belly.

    He is gorgeous. Love his coloring.

  14. HA! He probably doesn't believe in the existence of horses, even with the photos.

  15. Hellkell,
    "Don't show me any stinking studies! I don't need no stinking studies!"

  16. "Even if you do, I will not accept them unless they fit into my teeny-tiny worldview!"

  17. bhm, I see what you are talking about regarding the 'lumpiness'. :) I think he is nice-looking and will tone and tighten as soon as you get him in a conditioning program. Nice, low stretches with that neck while trotting will build the topline, right? Our massage therapist also does some massaging at the girthline which causes the horses to round up and stretch that topline, I can actually see the movement when we do the exercises at home. Working over ground cavaletti helps our older fellas with those butt muscles and my girl's trainer is helping them with leg yields which I hear is good for developing suppleness.

    I just love Trooper. I'd also like to see him in person and give him some wither scritches. :) :)

  18. SWA,
    I've been working his back and barrel muscle, but I guess I need more.

    Trooper would very much like meet his auntie SWA for snorggles and cuddles.

  19. GL,
    You mentioned that T. seems flexible to you. He can also pick his hind hood up and scratch it with his mouth without bending his body to much. Another thing that he does is he can lift his back/withers and arch his neck so that he can scratch his chest between his front legs. The only other horse that I have seen do this with easy is an upper level dressage horse.

    Do you think this sound flexible? Ok flexible, good flexible, or very good flexible. I'm trying to get my mind around training and conformation and look at areas that I need to work on.

  20. He has great angles, BHM. Very well put together, a lovely long powerful bum.
    His croup isn't way too steep, the way some badly conformed draftX horses are.

    He's gorgeous!
    (brandishes whip)
    Give him to ME!
    I'm closest!
