Monday, April 13, 2009

The Belgian Draft


  1. What beauties!Nearly as gorgeous as your Trooper!

  2. Love these pictures. That one over fences, wow, he has got really nice form.

  3. bhm I see where you are going with this. They are all lovely and for so much more than pulling and plowing.
    I had to try a spotted Drafty one time who was reported able to jump the moon.
    Good Lord could he jump! I quit after the bar was 6' even.
    He would approach beautifully, completely stop, check everything out, and then launch.
    My Dad said, "Get a crop". I said, "Why don't you show me how it is done"?
    My poor muscles and nerves just couldn't take

  4. Dena,
    That's exactly what I'm interested in, exploring the options.

    You jumped 6', my goodness girl you've got talent and nerve. I seen some very good jumping by spotted drafts. My friends Shire could jump a six foot fence.

  5. Talent? Nerve? Ha! Fear motivated! Nothing worse than being called a coward by the old man.
    Nah. He pushed me into being a pretty good rider.
    I can honestly tell you this big fat coward wouldn't be trying that kind of bravado these days on a unknown horse.
    Did I mention I never wore a helmet in those day?
    More guts than brains I'm thinking.

  6. Ah yes, the helmet-less years, I remember those. Still, it took a lot of drive to rise to the occasion. I doubt I could stay on over a six foot jump. It takes balance and skill.

  7. bhm
    I watch how Jas moves and uses her body in some pretty big leaps and throws.
    She is 4 this year but I am pretty anal about not starting them over jumps when they are young.
    Everything seems so effortless for her. Even though she is huge...
    What are you currently doing with the Trooper man?
    I apologize if you have already said, but I do not recall if he is already under saddle.

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Trooper is too cute! I love all the chrome on these guys - big and beautiful!
