Sunday, March 29, 2009


  1. FIRST!!!


    So, am I too early?

    Where the heck is everybody??

  2. In bed. What do you think of the goat? Brett made it for us so we can have fun.

  3. Love it! Thanks!
    Way cool info, in your post today, I'll be back.

    This Monday has not started well. My supplier screwed up. arrrgh.

    Ok, I've NEVER been to a TupperWare Party. What do you DO?
    Toss the Tupper?
    Tweak The Trooper?
    Tinkle on the Tambourine?
    Is Tequila involved?
    Educate me, please?

  4. GL- I only went to one and remember you had to play some hokey games, much like bridal and baby showers. And why are they called showers?

    Go Brett- he is in touch with his inner goat side. !!!!!!

  5. Yay, you brought the goat!

    At tupperware parties, I understood the idea was to get everyone tipsy enough that they'd buy a bunch of stuff they didn't need. Now, I've never been to a tupperware party, so that's just my perception from the

  6. Okay, this is a sign. When I posted the comment above, the secret word I had to type in was "buckybo".
    What are the odds?

  7. Ok, start passing out the booze, but don't give NCC too much. She could really mess up T.'s stall.

  8. Brett says... I'm glad I got your goat!!!

  9. Ok, everyone is ignoring my brilliant idea, as usual.
    To truly Tupperware this tempestuous tete ta tete,
    teveryone tmust tspeak with t's, tfirst.
    Tdifficult, tif tipsy.
    Tinkling tmy tambourine.
    Twhere's t'goat?
    tstrangely tassle tfree..


  10. So, I have two of those things that hold half an onion or grapefruit or whatever, and hang on the shelves. They are way cool.

    What is your favorite tupperware item?

  11. 'tis tremendously talented, to talk T's?

    Too tricky, too twitchy.

    Talk tornadoes and tangerines.


  12. I LOVE the goat!! Brett is amazing.

    Yes, the idea of a Tupperware party is to turn normally sedate, prim and proper ladies into tipsy Tupperware buying fools. :) We need to get the biggest bowl available and pour all the booze in it and drop in a bunch of ice.
    Beverage, check.
    Somebody needs to be in the kitchen to put the Jello-shots together. They count as food I think.

    Next, we have to sit in a big circle in the room so that we can pass the cool Tupperware around and ooo and ahhh over it. Burp and seal lids rock. Notice the lovely pastel colors that are all the rage for Spring.

    Next, there must be cake or bars or cookies or preferably all three. OH, and the jello shots.
    Food, check.

    The goat is allowed to eat out of some of the mixing bowls. This is a good test of their durability and quite a selling point.

    Carry on!

  13. Tinkling in a tambourine? You girls have been here MUCH longer than I and have been hitting that huge mixing bowl of beverage more than me. I need to catch up.

  14. Cowering before SWA's mastery of all things Tupper.
    She isn't tipsy enough yet, t'is too t'obvious.

    Twiddling t' thumbs..
    Tno, tno talent, tblueheron.
    Tjust t'annoying.

  15. This is a true story. Years ago I went to a Tupperware party put on by my sister-in-law and we got the Tupperware lady (who NOBODY knew) drunker than a skunk. SIL had to drive her home. She actually STOOD on the dining room table at one point holding up a bowl. We did buy a lot of Tupperware though. :)

  16. Oh yes, GL. I can Tupper til my Tupper is all Tupped out.

  17. We can pass around the brown paper bag filled with all kinds of tidbits, like a paper clip, a piece of string, a marble and other odds and ends and whoever can remember the most items wins a prize. Like a very cool Tupperware plastic orange peeler. Looks like a crochet hook. Ever seen one of those? Funny thing is, they work!

  18. I also have a bunch of freebies for everyone. Like cool pens with 'Tupperware belongs in every kitchen' written on them. Some neat Tupperware 2009 magnetic calendars that you can put on your fridge. And some lapel pins that say, "I Tup, Do You?". Oh yeah, I'm hooking everyone up phat.

  19. Geez GL, don't try to put that lapel pin on the GOAT! He's wearing his good coat and doesn't want holes in it.

  20. Hubby is calling for me to come and help shovel snow. I gotta duck out for a minute.

  21. bhm- tell the truth- does Brett think we are a bunch of menopausal freaks or what?

    Lovely tassels, I must say.

  22. can we use the t'fruit t'nappies for t'jello shots ?

  23. tertainly, Tern tally. To Tightly wants hers taffiene tree.

    Somehow, I don't think this was what GL expected.

  24. I told Brett about the goat joke. He laughed and loved the humor. So he made a special invite for you all.

    He always ask me, "what's happening in the blogisphere?" I reply, "Oh, just a bunch of crazy bitches" which is followed by Brett laughing.

  25. SWA's Tupper Ware knowledge is astounding. I now feel like I've miss out on a very important part of life.

  26. bhm- you truly have. No female can enter womanhood without emitting that famous tupperware "burp".

    Tell Brett to keep that up and we will make him an honorary crazy bitch. Tiara and all.

  27. T'is tertainly a tremendous tsize that
    (aarrrgh, this t'is thard)

    t'SWA tried to toss, tupper?

    oh, oh, my brain just fell out..
    no surpise, there:):):)

    Toss me a turkey toe, will ya?

  28. (belch)
    Does that count?

    I need a bloody dictionary. Now that I want T words, I can't think of T words.

    I'm tipsy, because of my thyroid, anyway..
    Totally twue:)

  29. Isn't that always the way GL? At 3 a.m. I will sit up in bed and rattle off 100 words that begin with T. :) I'm always a day late and a dollar short anyway. Whenever I get into a verbal war with someone or a witty conversation I always think of a PERFECT retort. The NEXT day. :) :) My brain is always in slo-mo.

    Who brought turkey toes? They are a delicacy here in the North woods 'ya know. Can't get 'em just anywhere. Only at authorized Tupperware parties.

  30. Oh bhm, I agree with NCC. Tupperware is a prerequisite of womanhood. :) :) You haven't lived until you've seen the wonderful pasta holder tube, with the lid that measures out one or two servings of spaghetti automatically. Who knew making spaghetti could be so easy? Tupperware turns boiling water and cooking pasta into a no-brainer for us kitchen challenged folk. :) I could never get that floppy, hot spaghetti pasta to come out of the lid correctly for measuring...until the Tupperware lady told me that you do the measuring BEFORE you cook the pasta. Ahhhh..that makes more sense. It seems that even with Tupperware at my side I'm still kitchen challenged. :)

    Oooo, you think Brett will survive the initiation into the Ya-ya sisterhood-of-the-traveling-goat bloggers? I hope he has a strong constitution and a will of iron. Otherwise I fear for his safety. :) :) But, on the other hand, if he can come up with such a great picture of the goat having fun at a Tupperware party there is much hope for this man. :)

  31. tSWA,
    tYou tAre tooooo tremendously terrifically talented.

    Toss that there TupperTooter.
    Tell them, those task technologies take the tremolo.
    Oh, well, I was close..

    Um, the goat is gone, people. Who's job was it to thank him?

    I have won thirty thousand trillion, tupper trinkets!


  32. GL,
    Isn't that a Mr. T ism. "I pity the poo."

    You and your "t" prefaces. Now I know that you're a Romulan spy. Nice try pretending to be a Vulcan.

  33. SWAsy,
    The "Ya-ya sisterhood-of-the-traveling-goat bloggers" is totally brilliant!

  34. Tweaking of tweeties, where IS the TurdBurglar??

  35. One of my articles has been turdburgled.

  36. Tattooed Turd Burglar takes Tupperwear to trundle tons o' turds.

  37. "I pity the poo"...that is hilarious, I laughed out loud! You can tell I'm from the Mr. T generation.

    GL, TupperTooter...I love it! :) Somehow that goat tuppertooted right out of here. NCC is going to be pissed because he has her tassles. She needs those for the weekend. Well, that's what I heard. :)

  38. Turd Burglar tells of longlost Tupper toilets. (no longer available)

  39. NCC,
    Brett would go for it if there's a nipple tassel option. Tiaras are not his thing.

  40. SWAsy,
    Brett thinks the "Ya-ya sisterhood-of-the-traveling-goat bloggers" is hilarious.

  41. Transmitting twinkling tremors to the tanking Tiara.


  42. Gl, let me present you with this tasteful tiara made by yours truly out of tightly tamped tp. Remember, it's a long way to Tupperary.

  43. Turdster, roflmao!
    Do you think we should have planned this better?
    Nah, spontaneity is more combustible, or something..

    It's Monday, nobody frickin' Tupparties on Monday anymore. Bunch of total twussies.
    Well, except goats of course..

    I tenderly twist the Tiara towards the touchy tamping
    oh, crap:)
    I just grossed myself right out..

    Thanks, tremendously, Turdster. That tends towards total twinkiedom...

  44. Spontaneity is more combustible GL? I think that tightly tamped TP tiara is the most combustible thing in the room. No sparks near the tiara please or we will have a real mess on our hands. And how do we explain THAT to the fire department? :)

    Yes TB, the Tupper Toilet was a very short-lived idea. We won't go into the details. Suffice it to say, it wasn't pretty. Plus, everyone would rather use the TP for tiaras. :)

  45. bhm- the scary thing is Brett gets us. Either he is one in a million or we are not as unique
    as we think.

    Twa la!!!!

  46. Tupperary, oh, crap, I missed that...roflmao

    tBleedin' t'Brilliant.

    turd, 'tis trés tardy, today.

    To Trooper!!!

    To tKestrel, wherever the heck she went.
    jeesh, does no-one ever check their transmitters, anymore?

    Yoooh, hooooo

    over here, ya twit.

  47. Mornin'!!!

    GL, quit hogging the tiara now and pass it to Brett. You know he's been giving that tiara the glad eye for some time. I think NCC is right, Brett does get us. How cool is that? Any guy who can rustle up a picture of a tassled goat in the middle of a Tupperware party is obviously clever, talented and has the same warped sense of humor that seems to abound at these ladies' blogs!

    The Turdburgler. That makes me laugh every time I read it.

  48. Here is a picture that should make everyone smile. These were brought to the guys fighting the flooding. Needless to say, I told hubby to get at least one unopened and bring it home.

  49. Yoo Hoo!!! Calling Dixie Cat!!!! Where are you, quit lurking behind that goat and say hello! Do you want everyone to think you are a freak?

  50. I think we scare her! >.< lol we are a pretty weird bunch!

  51. Hello Dixie Cat !
    Welcome ,and come talk to us , we hardly ever bite!

    AB my word thingy here is gator... just sayin.

  52. Don't you believe a word of it Dixie Cat. They are trying to get you in their clutches. Save yourself! Run I tell you, run! :)

  53. Here, kittykittykittykittykitty.

    here, kittykittykittykittykittykittykittykittykittykitty.
    (making noise that ALL cats respond to)
    (you suck air between your teeth, keeping your mouth mostly closed, works with ALL tame cats)
    Oooh, maybe she's feral??

    Break out the tuna.

    Kinda trashed my lame T concept, SWA.
    You teapot, you.

    My Tiara? T'is tightly tousled in my tete.
    hah, that's French, SCORE, one tupper point.
    Okay, I must go make $$
    Anybody need a sign????

  54. It's snowing. Again. Someone hand me a jello shot, quick! I wants my T word to be tipsy today!

  55. Oh, crap, kestrel, not more bleedin' snow.
    Tips t'away!

    60 comments, oh yeah...

    Has anybody asked the goat if he WANTS to be here??
    I thought not.
    I'm calling Wayne.

  56. It's has been snowing here for the past two days... And we are supposed to get MORE rain and snow next week... *cries*

    Totally off topic...

    Anyone willing to take a look at some horse pictures for me. Need opinions on something.

  57. Sure! Always up for horse pics!

  58. Well this is Blossom our mini mare from the rescue.

    Pic 1
    Pic 2
    Pic 3
    Pic 4
    Pic 5
    Pic 6
    Pic 7

    Here's the deal. Hubby swears up and down that she has to be pregnant. I say she just has a hay belly. Would like your opinions.

  59. Well, if she was pregnant once, she'd be dropped like that anyway, wouldn't she? Was she ever preggers?
    Can you hear anything?
    Got a stethoscope?
    Or a hollow tube, for listening in?
    I know not about minis.
    'cept they are, um, small.

  60. Don't know if she has ever been bred. The rescue didn't check her when she came in. And she just slipped by without it. *headdesk* They have checked every other mare.

    I don't have a stethoscope. But I am planing on trying the hollow tube. Have to wait for someone to hold her for me. She is VERY skittish. Hence no blanket and covered in icicles.

    Little monster didn't want to be caught today to have pictures taken (yep, I went out in the snow and ick to take pictures of a horse that didn't want to stand still for you ladies) So I ended up following her through the pine trees for these ones.

  61. Nd- looks prenant to me but then they all do, including Prince. Can you get close enough to see if she is bagged up? Does anyone think her tail looks funny? Like the ligaments are loose? IDK-

  62. Well if I don't get to go into work tonight, I am going to have my SD help me catch her and I am going to see f she is bagging up at all and to listen with a tube. I hate this time of year. Phoenix always looks preggers to me and I KNOW she is not!

  63. Here is a picture I just found on the rescues website from when she came in.


    Blossom 2

    And thinking about it, can't really call her a mini. She is like 42" tall.

  64. I went to one Tupperware party,we played some games, had wine, cheese and crackers.
    I am pretty sure the wine increased sales.

  65. HI! Apparently we didn't scare you to badly!


  66. Welcome, DC.

    Trooper's transmitting tack tanked.

  67. NCC,
    Brett gets us that's for sure. But, I do think that we are unusual because nobody, on any other site, understands what we are saying.

  68. NDA,
    Cute pony. She lovely. I don't know if she's preg. but the belly could be from past pregnancies. I would check to be positive.

  69. Welcome DC. Yes, I think in the super seekret Tupperware ladies manual there is a clause about alcohol being mandatory at Tupperware parties. They have a pie chart and everything, showing that statistically, sales will increase by 34.5% if the guests are at least 50% tipsy on 12% alcohol (that would include your wine family). :) Did you see the cool pastel colors and brand new cereal containers that have a sleeve for your cell phone? Those are cool.

    ND, I have 9 geldings. We have had mares, but never babies. I never had a mare who'd had a baby either. :) I am totally useless to you. :) Now, if you want to talk sheaths, I'm an expert.

  70. I would guess brood mare belly ,not nessarily pregnant.Unless she has never foaled . The one pic almost though looks like edema on her belly?photo#4 that might sway the vote

  71. Hah, so, which was it, DC, the tuna, or the goat?
    Told ya it would work.
    The tuna trick, works EverytimE.
    Welcome, DC!! Meow?, Merrrow?? Raow? What's your dialect, in cat tongue?
    Tabby or Tiger?

    Well, SWA is all hankering to talk sheaths here, fcs. Gotta change the subject, quick.
    I'll need a screwdriver. That's for the just in cases with the TupperAwareness sessions.
    Not the drink. I'm not due for another drink until, oh, October:)
    Pass me some goat's milk, I hope.
    Ok, next useless opinion about adorable Blossom. As FV says, it does look odd, in pics 3&4. Edema-ishy. Had she been inside for awhile?

    Sorry, BHM, I was half awake this morning. That goat, whatever sex it may be, or not, is a beauty.
    Better go look at the pic again, make sure there's no obviously dangly bits.
    Yeah, they all look the same:)
    Okay, I actually really looked. NO GOAT??
    Oh, crap, BHM, where the bleedin' heck is the goat??
    Where did you put her?It?Him?
    Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just thirsty, is all. The Tupper burping is getting to me..

    To tugging tenuously towards totally tailoring the Tiara.

    ewww, aGain.

    Okay, I cheated.
    Here's a sad word, I didn't know. Tabescence.
    Starving critters are tabescent.

    Happy Word?
    Taffeta. I can just see CCC now, in all her smarmy silk (of course) taffeta trailing triumph..


  72. Whoo Hoo!!! way to go, DC!! Proud of ya for coming outta the paper sack.
    GL- she is siamese if you please for sure.

    DC is also a wine expert- what Tupperswear products do they have for that? Something to keep the winebox cold and peel tomatoes at the same time? No burps please.

  73. Blossom hasn't been inside since I have had her. I am beginning to think that it is all thick hair hanging off of her stomach. Gotta catch first and then I will find out. She is one that likes to stand just out of reach and smirk at you. Little bugger.

  74. Wine? I can't do wine... Everything I have tried tastes like crap to me... Wish it didn't...

  75. I have GOT to get my eyes checked..

    Does anybody else see a goat??

    Kinda what I thought, ND. Grasping at proverbial straws, or super long hair which mini's sure are known for..

  76. Hey now! I don't see the goat either. Hubby is coming home tomorrow, so we are catching and giving little miss Blossom the full work over.

    Had to add... My verification word is suckshr

  77. I have to help my minis shed. If I don't they are finally into their summer shinies in September, right as the winter coat is starting to come in again. :) Little poops. I clip them in June, after I'm sure the weather will hold for us here in WI.

    Goat is AWOL. At Mel's blog FV promised she would bring a cow over. We will need bigger tassles. Everybody mooooove over.

    Oh ND, we have a very delicious plum wine that is made in Door Cty., WI that I think you might like. Not too sweet, not too dry, served cold with dessert. It is so good. I'm a cabernet fan, which isn't for everybody, but I really love this plum wine from Door Cty. :)

  78. Gotta tuck the beasties in for the night.

  79. Nd- you are just not trying. There are plenty of nice wines in a box out there.

  80. I am thinking that Dixie Cats has that goat- it would explain alot.

  81. C'mon guys, we have to do TwoHundred comments, or I will never tinkle my tambourine, again.

    Okay, not so much of an incentive there...

    yeah, the goat is AWOL. I haven't heard or seen anything since, well, forever..
    Cow, or Bull?
    Check first, okay? Double check, just for me?

  82. Hope for cow, GL. Methinks we have enough bull as it is.

  83. Yeah there is enough bull in here. We need a cow.

    Sure could use a milk cow here at the house... Go through so much damn milk...

  84. Yup ladies ,it is a cow , more room for tassles , don't know which cow as NCC is still holding " UD" hostage ! ND they all will give you milk ...if you can catch them. We had an old hereford Angus cross that lost her calf ( decent quiet cow) so we milked her for a season

  85. lol FV it's the catching part! That's why I said MILK cow. >.< Hubby's dad used to run a dairy farm. So DH grew up milking.

  86. ND I am a dairy farmers daughter/grandaughter(family dairy) ! First job I had was washing bottles and delivering milk to the families on the farm ( i was nine ,and the proudest girl in the world to be working for my grandfather!)Fresh milk that is cold and hasn't been through all the BS proccesseing , nothing like it . Grandpas tag line for the dairy was "Natual Milk , Naturally the best " I still have a set of "Horricks Dairy" bottles on display at home. Each of the grandkids got a set.

  87. Oh I loved the milk before it was processed. My great Grandfather worked at a dairy in Chino, California, and would bring home the fresh stuff. Yum!

    I get funny looks now because we prefer Whole milk. Anything less then that is what we (me and hubby) call colored water.

  88. I don't have the goat, I promise.
    I found a big snapping turtle in my yard this morning but no goat.

  89. Thank you for welcoming this southerner, yes I do see the new pastel colors and the cereal containers. I think my favorite is the chopper.
    One of my cats, Carly, likes to drag the little tupper ware key chain all over the house.

  90. Now where the heck are we going to put tassels on a snapping turtle?
    Oh GL............ Have I gotta job for you.........

  91. Schnork, schnerk, schervle..
    I like turtles!! We have painted turtles all over the place here, in the summer, duh. No I do not paint 'em. You should see Flip trying to herd them!
    Talk about watching paint dry..

    They have limited tassle hook-ups though. And spinning the tassles?
    Not gonna happen, ladies.

    I love the thought of a Milk Cow Four Tassler.
    Is that a word?

    Dixie Cat, my mom had a cat named Carly.
    Small world, eh?
    Or, limited imagination..

  92. If we are going to get a bovine I insist on a Scottish Highland.

    By the way, Trooper loves cows so he won't mind if your cow messes up his stall with Tupper Ware.

    I his cowpony days he would cut a round up cattle. Sometimes he would try to get the cows to move by whinnying at them. If they didn't come he'd start to cry. The cows would look at him like he was crazy.

  93. jeez, bhm, didn't he ever figure out as big a he is he could just stomp them?

  94. >>If we are going to get a bovine I insist on a Scottish Highland<<

  95. >>If we are going to get a bovine I insist on a Scottish Highland<<

    Sorry, lost first post.
    Highland cattle , are psycho!! you weant it ,you catch it!!!

  96. FV, what's with the Highland variety? Why are they psycho? I want to get some cattle and I would love to have a dairy cow. We have tons of Holsteins and Guernseys...but I want something a bit more unusual. How about Brown Swiss? Are they nice? They look like big deer to me with their huge eyes and soft brown look. I do want something even-tempered so the kids can be around them.

  97. I meant we have tons of Holsteins and Guernseys in WI, not that I have them. I don't have any animals of the bovine variety right now. :)

    GL has almost got that turtle tassled. Damn, she's good!

  98. SWA , most dairy breeds are quiet , except for the bulls , they can be very aggresive ,but a jersy or brown swiss , or even holstien cow is ussually a placid type they are bred to produce milk so be prepared there will be a lot of it . Highland cattle are bred to survive in the north of Scotland a fairley barred area, they are bred to be tough and are not terribly domestic The best excample I have heard was from a Scottish farmer who said"they are just fine , until they are not" They are typically easy calvers and fiercly protective mothers. They are not popular in North american markets because like most animals bred for toughness they are not large and don't have the marbled fat consumers are looking for . Tyhat all said If I could have them as a hobby I probably would put a few out in the back quarter thet are very cool little critters!

  99. SWA forgive part of my post I did not realise you have ecperience with dairy breeds , guess I was "preaching to the choir" there

  100. SWA
    "I have heard was from a Scottish farmer who said"they are just fine , until they are not"
    LOL!! I've heard that, too.

    Cow talk!! I love it!
    There was a Scottish Highland at Rutherford and Weston Rd., BHM, all by his self. Odd site, to say the least.

    Get a Jersy Cow. Oh, my.
    They don't even NEED tassles. They just blink those huge brown eyes, I'm done..
    There's a little herd at Dufferin & KingVaughan TownLine, BHM.
    I oooh over them whenever I drive by. That they are still there is amazing, but the rest of the properties surrounding are of course owned by Big Guns, so no development.
    Faraway Close, the place is called...
    I love that name:)

    Keep preaching about cows, girls!
    (pulling up a chair)


  101. Hang on GL my new post on my blog ,if I ever get it done is about cows (calving stuff) lots to do first though I will try to have it up tonight

  102. I will read that one with relish FV! I'd like to learn more. I don't want a breed that I have to fight with or worry that they will all of a sudden turn on a person and somebody ends up getting hurt. I'll take placid and boring any day. I want the grandbaby to be able to pet it. And of course, it must love Tupperware. :) :)

  103. nccatnip said...

    jeez, bhm, didn't he ever figure out as big a he is he could just stomp them?
    Nah, he thinks he's a Welsh pony.

  104. Are Highlands psycho in the sense that Icelandic sheep are psycho. Please tell that they'd make good pets and would pull an ox cart or my heart will be broken.

    I'll have to get B. to drive me to see the Highlands and dairy cows. If he doesn't love wool and horns and big brown dairy eyes then I'll initiate him. By the way, how are the turtle tassels going?

    Has anyone considered getting miniature cattle?

  105. I was thinking, "Oh, that poor, lonely Highland. I wish I could take him home, feed him, brush his wool, and kiss him goodnight." Now, maybe it's not such a good idea.

  106. I thought briefly about getting Dexters but really need much more room. I also hear conflicting info on them- the breed club says they are very docile and easy to contain but people I know that own them say the opposite. I think I am going to start looking into turtles. Anyone know how to milk one? I am assuming you remove the tassels first, correct?

  107. Turtles are an excellent candidate for farming, in a small herd. Herding can take up to one year, so make sure your dogs are old..

    I believe turtles have many several ways of um, squirting. They milk out a bit fishy.
    I Told Ya, I need a screwdriver, the Tuppermost tassel is twisted on the turtle's lower twinkie.

    Not a pretty sight..

    To TupperWareness:)
    Never starve your TupperWare, sheeple, keep them FULL.

  108. If you want to milk a turtle I think you should look into getting one of those giant Galapagos box turtles. They live for hundreds of years and considering their size they will produce more for you. As an additional perk, you can ride them! They are the ultimate confidence booster. Moving at the lightning fast speed of 1/8 mile per hour even the most timid of riders will feel secure. And I heard that they don't mind tassels! Move over Highland cattle!

  109. Damn, now I have a hankering for a giant turtle.

  110. Wouldn't that be one COOL pet? People would freak out if they came over and there was a 500lb turtle in my yard...and the grandgrub was riding it. :) I'm sure there's all kinds of climate-control and humidity levels and food concerns and permits required, so it would be a huge undertaking, but I want a big turtle now. Either that or a draft horse. GL is right, we all have Spring fever.

  111. As an aside, we have a weekend horse affair that happens yearly in a small town near me coming up this weekend. Horse-o-Rama. Catchy and imaginitive name, eh? It's small time, but it's fun. This year, aside from the vendors and horse exhibitions there is a gal coming who rides and performs on her Longhorn steer, Cowboy. Next year, I am going and I'm going to perform on my Galapagos turtle, Tad.

  112. NCC,
    Get a miniature Dexter if room is a problem.

    Get rid of your chickens because turtles lay eggs. You could have a whole pasture full of egg laying turtles.

  113. Next year, I am going and I'm going to perform on my Galapagos turtle, Tad.

    Keep the dream alive!! One day, turtles will compete in the Olympics.

  114. Promised a cow post on my blog and it is finally done ! Bhm there is something specially for you !

  115. Going shopping, what size girth do I need for the turtle?

  116. Hang on, he was tinkling..

    About this big
    < >

    Or "hunter" size, if you can find one..

  117. Okay, not only do I not have the goat, but the turtle left too! I think it is the type of food on the menu, Nine lives dry cat food and a wet milk bone dog buscuit (Canterbury(the Cocker)licked it but did not like the flavor.
    I thought the turtle would really go for it!!!

  118. How are we going to get to the Olympics now??? We are screwed with no turtle. And I bought a new saddle, polo wraps and everything off ebay. Maybe we can ride Canterbury. He likes water at least.

  119. Alright, this is ridiculous. I leave to put out a fire, and BAM.
    TWO terrestrials tangented towards the terrarium? DixieCat, you know you have them both... You took the tuna. Goats LOVE tuna:)
    Turtles, of course, TOO.

    Hand me that screwdriver, aGain.

    Polo wraps, HAH!
    I would love to have a herd of Galapagos Turtles, all wrapped to the nines, trotting thoughtfully.
    Can you just SEE the quadrille? Their tails in the air??


  120. Okay, who is Canterbury?
    A type of chocolate bar?
    If it's dark, I'm interested..

  121. LOL
    word verf just called me Phillis.
    Okay, maybe the hair..

  122. Geez, I missed all the fun, should have known that a Tupper War party would be fun with this group of yeahoos.

    Welcome Dixie Cat!

    I admit it, I have the damn goat. He came here for some R & R. All this partying has him pretty stressed.

    I think that Buck's girth might fight the Galapagos Turtle.

    I want a Jersey cow, they are sooooo cute.

  123. I'm concern isn't the girth it's the saddle tree width. Do you think they make saddles in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL wide? Those are some difficult withers to fit.

  124. CCC,
    So nice to see you. Where ya been? You've been missed.

  125. I think as soon as ab finds a saddle for Gator we can use hers. He is pretty wide you know.
    Goat located, now where is the turtle?

  126. Ab got hers last night!!!! Now to find that dang turtle------

  127. Little Gator, just to keep things REALLY confusing, AutumnBlaze (ab) loves a horse named Gator.
    AB/Gator are expecting a saddle. Well, not THAT way...

    How's your tooth, LG??

  128. Well this explains a lot. Y'All have been drinking again.
    And another goat?
    Good Lord.
    BHM have you been drinking and posting?
    Where is The Turd Burglar? I need em to swoop up another little turd/stinker who is inciting the
    Rotten kids.
    The goat airmailed HIMself to the rescue. And had very interesting tales to share about a group of intoxicated ladies who were trying to milk HIM.
